Ecocool Corn - Sion Davies
Prairie Holsteins, Coomb Farm, Wales
Sion Davies milks 900 cows in SW Wales with his wife Audrey and three daughters. The herd averages 27,200 lb with the best 100 cows doing 33,510. He feeds grass, corn and small grain silages and red clover haylage and has used Ecosyl for many years, including the time he spent farming in the US and Canada.
He also uses DA Ecocorn on his small grain and corn but two years ago agreed to try Ecocool on his small grain and was well impressed.
‘My aim is to increase efficiency with our existing cow numbers. For that, my forage needs to be top quality with minimal waste. It takes us 4 days to cross the 60 foot face but Ecocool keeps it nice and cool which is just what we need.’
‘My aim is to increase efficiency with our existing cow numbers. For that, my forage needs to be top quality with minimal waste. It takes us 4 days to cross the 60 foot face but Ecocool keeps it nice and cool which is just what we need.’